Maps are stimulating points of departure in any curriculum in the humanities. They form a window to how people think about the space and time that they live in. In connection to the research platform of QingMaps (2017-present), this EDU page will showcase a collection of task-based designs. Our designs intent to cover different taxonomical levels and styles of learning, with special attention to Leiden University's educational interest in developing digital literacy and transferable skills, in placing students in the role of researchers and designers.
Our first goal (July 2019-December 2019) is to build five lesson plans for specific, existing courses at Leiden University. From that point onward, we hope to implement more designs into a wider variety of courses, not only to add value to the existing courses, but also as a way to connect the staff and the students from different disciplines. And, as our ideas grow, we want our software to be able to grow with us, fully integrated with the University's infrastructure.
QingMapsEDU is made possible with the support of the Faculty of Humanities at Leiden University. Our EDU platform builds on, and wants to interweave with, the online infrastructure that Macao University, Leiden University, and the Manchu Foundation started to create in the Summer of 2017.
Courses involved Geschiedenis van Korea (LIAS - Prof. Remco Breuker) Empires (LUCAS - Prof. Jeroen Duindam) Imperia (LUCAS - Prof. Jos Gommans and Dr. Henk Kern) Global History (BAIS - Prof. Isabelle Duyvesteyn and team of tutors) Chinese geschiedenis (LIAS - Gabe van Beijeren) Klassiek Chinees (LIAS - Gabe van Beijeren) Klassiek Mantsjoe (LIAS/LUCL - Fresco Sam-Sin, Juul Eijk) Under consideration History of East Asia (BAIS - Dr. Casper Wits) Mongols (LUCAS - Prof. Gabrielle van den Berg and Prof. Jos Gommans Chinese Linguistics (LIAS/LUCL- Prof. Rint Sybesma en Dr. Jeroen Wiedenhof) Asian Art (LIAS/LUCAS Prof. Anne Gerritsen) Urban studies (various courses under consideration)
Project team Fresco Sam-Sin (Project management and pedagogical design) Juul Eijk (Cartographic content and pedagogical design) Léon Rodenburg (Development) Students of Manchu III and IV (Module design)
Last updated